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Are You CPAP Intolerant?

Are You CPAP


T. (503) 729-6662

Dr. Tom Walker

Dr. Tom Walker

Oregon Dental Sleep Medicine Associates

T. (503) 729-6662

Are You CPAP Intolerant?

Research suggests that if you were given a CPAP to wear to bed to treat your Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) you are probably not using it if given to you one year ago.  If I guessed that you weren’t using it I’d be right about 50% of the time, yet as you know, OSA is a serious condition and can be lethal!  Maybe you refused to wear CPAP without trying it, maybe you’re claustrophobic, maybe you can’t stand air blowing in your eyes because the mask leaks, perhaps your allergic to the materials the mask is made of, you feel “un-cool” in bed or maybe you just don’t like the hassle of taking care of the tubes, mask and machine.  When you go on trips you have to lug the device around, trying to get through airports.  Camping, well that is out of the question unless you take a generator also.  Don’t get me wrong, CPAP is the “gold standard” of treatment and truly is your best choice to resolve OSA symptoms.

However, guidelines published in SLEEP, the journal for medical sleep specialists, recommends that dental oral appliances be used as the first line of treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnea as an alternative to CPAP therapy.  So for Snoring, Mild obstructive sleep apnea, Moderate obstructive sleep apnea and for certain cases of Severe obstructive sleep apnea an Oral Appliance is a good choice.

These appliances come in a variety of designs and Dr. Walker will custom fit the appliance in his office.  Following the examination, choice of appliance design and placement he will monitor your progress with a take home sleep study.  This allows him to monitor your progress while sleeping in your own bed.  We’ll also be working closely with your sleep specialist during treatment and follow-up care.

Dr. Walker is on track to becoming a Diplomat of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and uses the latest techniques in non-CPAP oral appliance therapies for both snoring and sleep apnea.  He also attends lectures, meetings and web-in-airs to stay up with the latest knowledge in this fast growing field of medicine.